FAQ for Whey Protein Isolate
What is the difference between Recovery Protein Plus and Whey Protein Isolate? Recovery Protein Plus provides a combination of three sources of protein, including whey protein isolate, along with carbohydrates, recovery factors and enzymes. It's the go-to product for post workout recovery, especially for those who take part in high...
FAQ for Organic Recovery Plant Protein
What’s the difference between Organic Recovery Plant Recovery Protein and Plant Based Protein? The main difference between the two products is that the Recovery Plant Protein contains both protein AND carbohydrates. This is ideal for post-workout nutrition because both carbs and protein play an important role in muscle recovery. The...
FAQ for Advanced Recovery Formula
What’s the difference between ARF and WPI? The main difference between the two products is that the Advanced Recovery Formula contains both protein AND carbohydrates. This is ideal for post-workout nutrition because both carbs and protein play an important role in muscle recovery. The added carbs also add more calories...